For my first synopsis I decided to do Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street because it is was my favorite movie released in 2007. I won't always review movies I like so don't get too relaxed. Here is my summation:
Wait? Is there going to be blood in this movie?
Hey look, it's Johnny Depp (pictured above)...and he's talking weird kinda like he's OH NO is this a musical??? Who's the scrappy fella singing next to him? He needs to eat something, maybe some pie. Scappy's name is Anthony and he's a sailor.
So Sweeney is sad. Sweeney sings that he's sad. His wife and child were taken from him and he was sent to jail for fifteen years.
Sweeney meets Mrs. Lovett (pictured above). She is sad. Times is hard, times is hard. She has no meat for her meat pies. She sings.
Sweeney is confused. If times are so hard why doesn't she rent out the room upstairs? Probably because Mrs. Lovett has been hording Sweeney's old belongings up there for 15 years. Mrs. Lovett sings again. Sweeney kicks Mrs. Lovett out of the room so he can sing a song to his old razors, "his friends." His friend do not sing back.
Sweeney is relieved, he has a place to live. He also has his old razors. Sweeney vows vengeance on Judge Turnpin (not pictured).
Sweeney's 16 year old daughter Johanna is sad. She sings that she's sad. Anthony hears her and falls in love with her. He sings. Judge Turpin has the Beatle beat up Anthony for "gandering at his ward." Anthony sings again. Screw the Judge, he wants some 16-year old tail. He asks Sweeney for help. Sweeney agrees.
Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett go to town. Toby, a small boy sings. While in town Sweeney out shaves Senior Perelli. He sings.
Sweeney is sad. Perelli shows up and tries to blackmail Sweeney while Toby gets drunk with Mrs. Lovett downstairs. Sweeney kills Perelli. Mrs. Lovett finds out. Mrs. Lovett is upset, wait, now she's cool with it. Sweeney wants to kill Toby. Mrs. Lovett says, she rather have him as a shop boy.
The Judge comes for a shave. He's planning on marrying Johanna. Sweeney wants to slit his throat but is distracted by a duet with the Judge. Anthony interrupts. The Judge gets pissed. Sweeney gets pissed. Anthony runs away.
Sweeney has an epiphany. He's going to start killing anyone and everyone to prepare for the next time the Judge comes. Mrs. Lovett agrees this is a great idea and will help her meat pie business. If you get it? Good you got it. The two agree to serve anyone and to anyone at all. They sing. Sweeney slits throats while he sings about how much his misses his daughter.
Business is good. Johanna is incarcerated. Anthony is sad. Toby is suspicious. A crazy old lady suspects foul play. Sweeney still wants vengeance. Mrs. Lovett wants Sweeney's hot bod by the sea. Sweeney isn't really interested in Mrs. Lovett. He'd rather play with "his friends."
Anthony helps Johanna escape from the mental ward. Weeeeeee. She dressed as a boy and hides in Sweeney's old trunk while Anthony gets his ship ready or something. Johanna sees Sweeney kill the Beatle, the Judge, and the Crazy Old Lady. Toby hides from Mrs. Lovett so Sweeney doesn't kill him. At this point there is blood all over the place. It's squirting left and right. Sweeney is covered in it. He discovers Johanna and not knowing she's his daughter, almost kills her but he hears a scream downstairs in the boiler room.
Sweeney is confused. Why did Mrs. Lovett scream? Oh, because the Crazy Old Lady was Sweeney's wife, she had just poisoned herself and gone mad. Sweeney is pissed. He kills Mrs. Lovett. He holds his dead wife. Sweeney sings. Toby slits Sweeney's throat. Blood pours out and swims down the floor boards. Sweeney stops singing.
The End. Grade A
wow you put all of that in a funny way. good job:)
bahahah you make it sound bloody hilarious and so stupid
still its a good movie
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