At the party Hud starts to videotape the guest’s good luck messages (like they do at a wedding). Hud seems to want to videotape this chick Marlena a lot. Marlena is freaked out a bit. During the party, it’s discovered that Beth and Rob hooked up a month ago but Rob ignored her afterwards because he knew he was leaving. But they obviously love each other. Beth gets upset and leaves the party. Just as you start to think how lame this party is BAM! Some shit goes down.

The crew runs outside to discover the head of the statute of liberty conveniently outside their apartment. Hud keeps videotaping. People are running, getting evacuated, etc. Marlena gets a glimpse and says “it was eating” but no one seems to care. Instead they all decide to go leave Manhattan via the Brooklyn Bridge. During the trek across the bridge, Beth calls Rob on his cell phone causing his party of followers to stop what they’re doing, except for Jason who has a brain of his own and keeps walking. Unfortunately, Jason gets smashed as the bridge collapses. Oh noes! Now what? Save Beth of course!

Rob must save Beth and despite the huge line of evacuating people, the national guard bombing the city, and the huge ass monster running around (complete with spider-like minions) everyone decides this is the best plan. So Lily, Marlena, Rob, and Hud venture into the tunnels of the subway and try to make their way to a safer surface, near Beth’s apartment. A monster minion in the tunnels attacks Marlena. Hud is worried. He thought he was going to get laid tonight. The group leaves the tunnel and stumbles upon a quarantined area where Marlena begins to “not feel so well.”

Her head explodes or something, maybe a little monster jumps out of her. In any case, the group is upset but they must save Beth! They find out there are some copters leaving at 6.
After climbing up a million stairs, the three remaining friends find Beth, in her collapsed apartment, with a pole through her. No problem, let’s just pull out the pole and get on with our escape.

The four make it to the helicopters and get separated from Lily. Rob, Beth, and Hud get on the second copter that gets knocked down by The Monster. Owned! But these three aren’t dead yet. They survive the crash and land in Central Park, soon to be known as Cloverfield. The Monster is still hungry and eats Hud.

Oh noes? Luckily, Rob grabs the camera so that we can watch him and Beth die a horrible death under a bridge in Central Park.

The End. Or is it?
Grade: A
1 comment:
Great Blog you have here.
I put a link to your blog at mine. :)
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