So this guy Llewelyn Moss is out playing with his rifle one day when he comes across a major crime scene in the desert. There are bodies all over the place. There is also a truck full of money. Llewelyn (whose name I already hate typing) takes the money and hides it under his house. His wife is all "what the hell is going on?" Llewelyn seems to know someone is watching his back. The money belongs to someone, right?

Llewelyn is right. This psychopath Anton is running around killing people with an O2 tank just because he's likes to express his creativity in strange ways.
Llewelyn runs from Anton. Anton tracks down Llewelyn. Llewelyn tries to hide the money in a hotel. Anton has a tracking device on the money. Niiiiiiice. Run, Llewelyn, Run!

The chase continues. Llewelyn (whose name I still hate typing) disposes of the tracking device but Anton is still hot on his tail. Llewelyn eventually gets killed by some Mexicans! No way! Yes way.
Did I mention Tommy Lee Jones is in this movie? Oops. He plays a sheriff on the brink of retirement while Anton is on the loose and has to live with the fact that he's just too old to catch any more criminals. Apparently, it's no country for old men. Anton kills Llewelyn's wife and then moseys to freedom, with his money.

Grade: B+
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